Buying at roadside

“REVOSA” Ltd. is buying logs all over territory of Latvia – in forests or stacks at the roadside.
We can provide our transport. The price depends on the distance. Payment within one day!
Telephone: +371 26719378

Birch veneers (measurement at the narrowest point of the pit without bark)
Claims/Quality A B C
2,7 m + 10 cm
3,0 m + 10 cm
Ø cm 26 ≤ 18 – 25 26 ≤ 16 ≤
One-sided tortuosity 1,0-1,5 % on 1m max 2 % on 1m max 2,5 % on 1m
Two-sided tortuosity Not allowed Not allowed Allowed
Branches Not allowed live branches, not crumpled Not more than 1-2 branches per meter, not bigger than Ø 5 cm. Do not admit the dry, black, crumpled branches. No limitation
Core colour max 30 % from the wicker 30-50 % from the wicker No limitation
Cracks Not allowed Not allowed, if there is a whole pit of diameter (from peel to bark) and deeper than 5cm Not allowed
Rot, mold, growths, dry rot, mechanical damage, blackening, dual core. Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed

Birch tare (measurement with coefficient 0,56)
Criteria Lenght Diameter, cm Price
Sorted 2,7 m + 10 cm Ø 12 – 18
Sorted 2,7 m + 10 cm Ø 16 ≤
Not sorted 2,7 m + 10 cm Ø 12 ≤
Sorted 3,0 m + 10 cm Ø 12 – 18
Sorted 3,0 m + 10 cm Ø 16 ≤
Not sorted 3,0 m + 10 cm Ø 12 ≤

One-sided tortuosity max 2,5 % on 1m
Two-sided tortuosity Allowed
Branches No limitation
Lightning cracks, bark incidence greater than 20% of the diameter of the cut; soft troupe Not allowed